Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Better 4 1/2 Months late than never

Ronnie started his New Years Diet yesterday. Finally! He and several friends put $300 each into a pool and have given them selves until September 1st to loose weight. They all weighed in and the one who loses the most wins the $2,400 pot. Ronnie was the fattest at 268 pounds, so we'll track it and see how well he does. Remember, last year, he lost 40 pounds in 75 days by becoming alkaline with alkaline water and alkaline foods.

He's pulled me off my diet many times in the last months by bringing home pizza and ice cream. Usually I resist, but too often, maybe one if four times, I don't. That has kept my weight hovering right around the same mark for a while now. I weighed in yesterday at 157.4, exactly the same as last week and only one ounce less than two weeks ago. Let's see how we do with eating right.

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