Sunday, September 13, 2009

Naringenin Found in Grapefruit Prevents Obesity, Blocks Insulin Resistance

Alkalizing fruits just happen to have the potential to slow obesity and diabetes down

A substance in grapefruit just may prove to be the key to reversing acidity that leads to obesity and diabetes.

The substance, a flavonoid called "naringenin," is a naturally occurring alkaline compound in all citrus fruit, but especially in grapefruit. Naringenin is responsible for giving grapefruit its bitter taste. Naringenin, found naturally in grapefruit, detoxifies the liver and causes fat to be released instead of storing it.

Read the full news item here

Naringenin, for all its potential to heal, leaves a little to be desired on the palette. So we're going to give you a few tips to make grapefruit more appealing.

Add some blue agave sweetener, but not a lot. Just enough to buffer the bitter.

Add some warmed up raw honey to your grapefruit; pour it right on the naked fruit. Don't warm the honey until it's hot, but warm it up just enough so that it drips nicely over the fruit.

For information on how to reduce excess acidity and live a healthier life by consuming alkaline water, goto

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