Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Raw Benefits for Diabetics

When I stated to try and change my eating, my intention was to eat more raw food than I have been. I just read a repot in The Feb.2008 readers digest that talks about a new movie coming out called Raw for 30 days. In the movie, Diabetics eat a raw vegan lifestyle for 30 days, lose an average of 25 pounds and are able to go off insulin. This is because their bodies become alkaline in the process of this kind of eating. Which is another reason that I recommend alkaline water to everyone. I'm trying hard to get the guts to commit to 30 full days of raw only eating. Honestly it isn't as bad as it sounds, were not just talking celery and carrot sticks. The recipes I've found have been top notch in flavor and I've created some of my own in the recipe page at Healing Water Machines
I think the reason that I haven't made the full commitment is because... I like to eat out a lot. I get tempted easily. I need a quick food plan to be able to start. My husband isn't cooperating and that could be a big problem. Excuses, excuses! I'm listening to some Tony Robbins tapes that are really encouraging me to look at my excuses/reasons and find a way to seriously over come them. I'm working on it.
By Nedalee Ruiz
Nedalee is the author of The Desperate Parents Handbook Nedalee recommends for more articles on health and healing and for articles on diet and nutrition.
Copyright © 2008 By Nedalee Ruiz Permission granted to reproduce in entirety only including links and author credits.

Monday, February 25, 2008


I jumped on when I was barley awake this morning, not totally expecting good results, because I'd been to two parties over the weekend. But then again, I'd exercised 6 times last week, so maybe I'd have good results. When the digital numbers appeared before me, I mentally, and incorrectly calculated that I'd lost over 7 pounds. I told my husband that didn't seem like it could be right. So I weighted again. When the reality sunk in that 160.4 meant I had GAINED 2 pounds 7 ounces, I began to cry. And honestly, I cried for over an hour and still don't feel like I'm over it. Thankfully, by keeping a food journal, I can clearly see where I went wrong in the week and make adjustments. Boy am I bummed though!

Here's what I ate. And I admit I didn't drink as much alkaline water this week which is proably part of the problem.
Exercise—5 minutes on the rebounder
Breakfast—Blueberry Smoothie
Snack—Tamale and garlic fries

Exercise 7 minutes on the rebounder
Breakfast—Blueberry smoothie
Lunch—Half a roast beef sandwich and a salad with peach hot tea.
Dinner—1/2 a steak, mash potatos, chard, and corn.
Snack--- 3 bites of my husband’s drumstick ice cream.

Exercise--- 20 minute walk outside with my dog. Very refreshing and invigorating.
Breakfast---Blueberry Smoothie
Lunch, ½ roast beef sandwich
Dinner—Apple wood smoked bacon sandwich with lettuce tomato and avocado. Sorry-a word like "Smoked" is a real trigger for me and "apple wood smoked" sounded so exotic. Just tasted like bacon to me. Wasn’t the best choice, but I got it out of my system. J
Snakck—I couldn’t help it Ronnie was eating another ice cream drumstick and I lost all self control and had one too.

Exercise –20 minute walk in the park.
Breakfast—Strawberry Smoothie
Lunch---Salad, enchalada, chili reno, and 2 tbs sweet corn cake, and a tropical ice tea, 6 small flour tortillas with butter and salsa.
Dinner—Satued string beans, 8 cream cheese won –tons and a fortune cookie.
Snack—1/2 Hershey bar

Exercise—15 minutes on the rebounder
Breakfast---Strawberry Smoothie
Lunch---Fire roasted tomato soup, and a romaine salad and tropical ice tea. Oh, and 6 small flour tortillas with butter and salsa.
Dinner—1 ½ bowls fire roasted tomato soup.

Exercise—30 minute walk
Breakfast---Strawberry Smoothie
Lunch—6 ounce steak, broccoli and asparagus.
Dinner—Hamburger and French fries. I passed on the double, double with cheese which is my favorite.

Breakfast—Ronnie made me hash browns with sausage gravy which I ate. I passed o the scrambled eggs he also made.
Lunch---Fire roasted tomato soup
Dinner-Salad, bread, one slice of pizza, pretzels, a cookie and some party nuts at a friends house warming party.

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