Friday, May 16, 2008

Ionized water can help you to lose weight

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, states, "overweight and obesity are not fat problems; they are an over-acidic problem caused by lifestyle, diet and metabolic acids. If you need and want to lose acidic weight then you need to eliminate acidic lifestyle and dietary choice sand begins to alkalize and energize your body with the pH Miracle Living Lifestyle and Dietary Plan." There are many different avenues you can take in acidic fat prevention. When it comes to health, it’s a fact that all measures should be taken in ensuring your well being. One measure that can be taken to ensure good health and long life is by drinking ionized water. Drinking ionized water makes it easier for the body to dispose of acid wastes and, if consumed regularly, ionized water can reduce acid waste, allowing for a natural health improvement.

Drinking ionized water not only reduces the levels of un-wanted acids in your body. The accumulation of acidic wastes helps to accelerate the aging process; therefore, the reduction of acid wastes retards the aging process and perhaps - according to Sang Whang – “even reverses it.”

Thursday, May 15, 2008


A strange as it may seem, a great deal of our aging and deterioration is actually due, in large part, to a deficiency of proper health and nutrients. As we age, our bodies are naturally going to slow down, thus making it more difficult to absorb the proper nutrient we need from our food, mainly due to weaker digestive system. Our immune system starts to weaken and slow, so as a result, we are not able to fight off sickness or rapid deterioration properly. So what are some of the avenues we can take to properly feed our bodies the nutrients they so richly desire? Here are a few options you can explore to implement health back into your diet:

Dark green vegetables- broccoli, spinach, blue algae, and kale are all vegetables rich in proteins, nutrients and calcium. These are a must have in your everyday diet.

Antioxidants- some people think taking vitamins is the best way to keep the antioxidants flowing, but actually a better way is by drinking ionized alkaline water. It is a fact that alkaline water provides your body and cells with much needed oxygen, which helps to boost immune system, keep you energized as well as helps detoxify your system.

Taking calcium and iron- calcium will help to strengthen your bone density while iron helps protect you from a protein deficiency.

Good exercise- it’s good to keep your calories and total acidic body fat down and your muscle mass up, and one of the best ways of doing this is through healthy exercise. Keeping your body in shape also helps to boost your immune system.

Take a multi-vitamin- you should really look into to this one, because there are a lot of vitamins out there that aren’t as nutritionally sound as many others. First, make sure it’s a vitamin that needs to be taken more than once a day, then find out the reputation of this vitamin. These multi-vitamins will help to supplement your body with a lot of much needed nutrients that you are missing in your everyday diet.

By Nedalee Ruiz

Nedalee is the author of The Desperate Parents Handbook
Nedalee recommends for more articles on health and healing and for articles on diet and nutrition.

Copyright © 2008 By Nedalee Ruiz Permission granted to reproduce in entirety only including links and author credits.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Avoiding Excess Weight in your Body

Obesity is running rampant throughout the U.S. population today. It is basically defined as being 20% over your normal body weight; normal weight is determined by your height, age, and build, and is referred to as your body mass index. Obesity is now the second leading cause of death in America right underneath smoking cigarettes.

There are several different avenues you can explore and take to avoid any extra weight gain and, if possible, lose some of those un-wanted pounds:

1. Cut empty calories. Empty calories are normally found in high energy foods with poor nutritional values and are prominent in processed foods high in fat and carbohydrates. Some examples of these foods are- Coffee, soda, potato chips, and candy. Cutting these foods out of your diet will keep you from adding that un-wanted weight and it will help you to drop some of those unnecessary pounds.

2. Detoxify your body. Your body needs to be cleansed and the best way to do this is by drinking alkaline water which is distributed through water ionizers. Alkaline water helps to oxygenate your cells, which helps to neutralize body acids and restore your pH balance.

3. Eat a good breakfast. Your metabolism doesn’t start running properly until you eat, so if you wake up nice and early and eat a healthy breakfast, your metabolism will work over time in between meals to help you burn calories.

4. Don’t eat late at night. Your metabolism starts working for the first time in the morning, after breakfast, so by the end of the day its pooped! Your metabolism slows at night, so you should pick a nice early dinner time, eat a sensible, low calorie meal and then put the fork down for the rest of the night. If you continue to much, your metabolism will not be able to process it as quickly and it will be stored as fat.

5. drink plenty of water. Drinking 8 10 oz glasses of water a day will not only keep you hydrated and cleansed, but it will also help to curb hunger.

6. Finally, exercise properly. You should be exercising at least twice a week to help to keep you in shape and burn some unwanted calories.

By Nedalee Ruiz
Nedalee is the author of The Desperate Parents Handbook
Nedalee recommends for more articles on health and healing and for articles on diet and nutrition.
Copyright © 2008 By Nedalee Ruiz Permission granted to reproduce in entirety only including links and author credits.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Perfect Cup of Coffee

There is nothing better in the morning than a properly made cup of delicious coffee, but on the flip side, there is nothing worse in the morning, than a nasty, sludgy, improperly made cup of coffee. So how do you ensure that you will start off your day right with that invigorating tasty cup? There are a few easy steps that need to be taken that when making a great coffee, but you need to take them all if you’re going to get it right.

1. Picking the right beans.
Always select high-quality, perfectly roasted beans. Organic beans are great for full bodied flavor. Also, buying beans directly from your favorite coffee shop will ensure good flavor.

2. Finding the right grind.
Lots of people use different brewing methods to match there favorite coffee selections, and the grind of the coffee bean determines a lot of that preferred flavor. Whether your favorite coffee style is drip, press, or espresso, you’re going to need to pay attention to coffee bean size. For Press, you need a very coarse grind, and for espresso, you need a very fine grind. For drip coffee machines, however, you’re going to need to find a happy medium between coarse and fine grind.

3. Proper proportions.
Proportion determines whether or not your going to have a strong cup of coffee, or a very watered down weak cup of coffee. The rule of thumb when making a regular cup of coffee is a ratio of 2 tablespoons of fresh ground coffee for every 6 fl. Oz. of water.

4. Using the best water.
Water is going to determine A LOT of the coffees flavor. The best water to use for the very best cup of coffee is a cup of cold alkaline water. Alkaline water comes from water ionizer machines which are easy to purchase, easy to buy, and a fantastic investment for flavor and health purposes. Always make sure your alkaline water is cold when adding it to your brewer.

5. Proper storage.
Keeping your coffee in an air tight storage container somewhere dark and cool will help keep it fresher longer.

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