Thursday, August 27, 2009

Proof mounts on restricted diet

Restricted Diet has long been known to have major benefits for animals. Now a close relative of man has furthered this theory. A long study in the U.S. has concluded with major proof of the health benefits of a nutricious but restricted diet in monkeys. It involved several monkies of equal age, half with restricted calorie intake and the other half with an unrestricted diet.

The rate of cancers and cardiovascular disease in dieting animals was less than half of those permitted to eat freely.

Whether the same effects would be seen in humans is unclear, although anecdotal evidence so far suggests people on a long-term calorie-restricted diet have better cardiovascular health.

The precise mechanism is yet to be established: theories involve changes in the body's metabolism or a reduction in the production of "free radical" chemicals which can cause damage.

Read the Full Article on BBC's Website

1 comment:

Romi Sink said...

I saw this study done years ago as well. People don't realize that free radicals are produced in the digestion process which speed the breakdown of our cells. This is a great find, Nedalee!

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