Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Staying Motivated

It's almost 2 months after Christmas and the gyms are starting to empty out as people lose their "New Year" motivation to get fit. And I mist confess that I'm feeling the pull to quit trying to lose weight myself. My husband hasn't been too supportive... I've lost only a little weight...we all have excuses and I have mine. But I am choosing to push through and continue. I went for a walk this morning even though it was misting outside. I found it very invigorating and am still feeling the energy from it a couple of hours later. I'm listening to some Tony Robbins tapes. I love him. He's very motivating. He talks about health, relationships, success and all kinds of great things that affect our mind sets. So I encourage you now to reaffirm your commitment to yourself and to your goals and lets continue to push forward together.

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