Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Avoiding Excess Weight in your Body

Obesity is running rampant throughout the U.S. population today. It is basically defined as being 20% over your normal body weight; normal weight is determined by your height, age, and build, and is referred to as your body mass index. Obesity is now the second leading cause of death in America right underneath smoking cigarettes.

There are several different avenues you can explore and take to avoid any extra weight gain and, if possible, lose some of those un-wanted pounds:

1. Cut empty calories. Empty calories are normally found in high energy foods with poor nutritional values and are prominent in processed foods high in fat and carbohydrates. Some examples of these foods are- Coffee, soda, potato chips, and candy. Cutting these foods out of your diet will keep you from adding that un-wanted weight and it will help you to drop some of those unnecessary pounds.

2. Detoxify your body. Your body needs to be cleansed and the best way to do this is by drinking alkaline water which is distributed through water ionizers. Alkaline water helps to oxygenate your cells, which helps to neutralize body acids and restore your pH balance.

3. Eat a good breakfast. Your metabolism doesn’t start running properly until you eat, so if you wake up nice and early and eat a healthy breakfast, your metabolism will work over time in between meals to help you burn calories.

4. Don’t eat late at night. Your metabolism starts working for the first time in the morning, after breakfast, so by the end of the day its pooped! Your metabolism slows at night, so you should pick a nice early dinner time, eat a sensible, low calorie meal and then put the fork down for the rest of the night. If you continue to much, your metabolism will not be able to process it as quickly and it will be stored as fat.

5. drink plenty of water. Drinking 8 10 oz glasses of water a day will not only keep you hydrated and cleansed, but it will also help to curb hunger.

6. Finally, exercise properly. You should be exercising at least twice a week to help to keep you in shape and burn some unwanted calories.

By Nedalee Ruiz
Nedalee is the author of The Desperate Parents Handbook
Nedalee recommends for more articles on health and healing and for articles on diet and nutrition.
Copyright © 2008 By Nedalee Ruiz Permission granted to reproduce in entirety only including links and author credits.

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