Friday, May 16, 2008

Ionized water can help you to lose weight

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, states, "overweight and obesity are not fat problems; they are an over-acidic problem caused by lifestyle, diet and metabolic acids. If you need and want to lose acidic weight then you need to eliminate acidic lifestyle and dietary choice sand begins to alkalize and energize your body with the pH Miracle Living Lifestyle and Dietary Plan." There are many different avenues you can take in acidic fat prevention. When it comes to health, it’s a fact that all measures should be taken in ensuring your well being. One measure that can be taken to ensure good health and long life is by drinking ionized water. Drinking ionized water makes it easier for the body to dispose of acid wastes and, if consumed regularly, ionized water can reduce acid waste, allowing for a natural health improvement.

Drinking ionized water not only reduces the levels of un-wanted acids in your body. The accumulation of acidic wastes helps to accelerate the aging process; therefore, the reduction of acid wastes retards the aging process and perhaps - according to Sang Whang – “even reverses it.”

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