Monday, January 28, 2008

1.21--1.17.08 Diet and exercise

Exercise 10 minutes rebounder 50 crunches.
Breakfast---Two neat balls with sun dried tomato cream cheese. There are wonderful vegan versions of cream cheese that I really like, but this one happens to be the real things. I’ve been in a big hurry lately and have found that the neat balls when very dehydrated are a fabulous quick, raw, energy, protein food and are kind of like a meat substitute.
Lunch---I wanted a salad, but my husband was making salsa for an hour and wouldn’t relinquish the kitchen so I settled for a half of left over roast beef sandwich and a half a pumpkin and raisin tamale.
Dinner---Golden beet salad, page 101 .Ani's Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable Living Foods Recipes 3 chocolate mint cookies one spoon living fudge

Exercise---15 minutes jogging on the rebounder
Breakfast--- Vegetarian sandwich on sprouted wheat bread.
Lunch---Neat balls, sun dried tomato cream cheese. 1 small sweet corn tamale.
Dinner—Man, I don’t quite know how to admit to this but I derailed pretty big time. I had one chocolate covered cherry cookie, 1 mint chocolate cookie, 1 Reese’s peanut butter cup, some Chinese food, a little bit of a stuffed pork chop and for desert I had some lavender berry sorbet. What was I thinking? Well, Ronnie complained that I hadn’t been cooking for he and the boys, so I made the stuffed pork chops, which they didn’t want but ordered Chinese food instead. I put the pork chops in the oven and set it but apparently forgot to push start, so they weren’t done at dinnertime anyway. I’d seen a Reese’s commercial, which got me, so that explains why I bought the candy. I did eat only one of the two in the pack and gave the other to my son. And after almost no sugar for three weeks, I will say that it tasted off the charts mega nauseatingly sweet. I only had 3 or 4 bites of the pork chop and didn’t enjoy the taste of that either, so it is good that my taste buds are adapting to healthy more natural flavors.
Breakfast---Fruit scone cereal with almond milk
Lunch—Pumpkin soup, salad and Doritos
Dinner---Cauliflower mash page 143 Ani's Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable Living Foods Recipes it's mile a mash pototo substute. Tasted good, but you eat it cold because it's raw and that takes getting used to. For deseret, living fudge.

Breakfast---Carrot Dill bread page 72 Living in the Raw Gourmet
Lunch—Salad and half a roast beef sandwich. I’m not eating half to cut calories, I’m eating half because it’s a Claim Jumper sandwich which has massive servings that are too big for most humans.
Dinner—Steamed vegetables. These were microwaved, which is a very undesirable way to cook food.
Breakfast—dill carrot bread
Lunch---almond butter on herbed bread.
Snack—protien bar
Dinner--- Two slices of pizza
Breakfast---1 slice of herbed flax bread with apple slices on top.
Lunch---Beautiful salad.
Snaks—corn chips and salsa, and potato chips and dip.
Dinner---Another salad

Late Breakfast ---Steamed kale, salad, really great tasting fake chicken made from wheat.
Snack—5 not on the diet peppermint oreo type cookies and a small amount of ice cream.
Dinner--- Leftovers from the morning salad.

While I don't always note it, I drink lots of alkaline water. More some days than others but I shoot for 6-8 16 ounce glasses a day. I don't drink ANYTHING but the water unless I note it here in the blog.

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